“The more Thing You learn The more thing you know” This quote helps me to learn the different thing or different subject that I didn’t want to do or learn. Everybody was so happy with the new exploration that they will have in the next week. And I was so happy too. Everybody run very fast to go to see the name of the exploration that they in. I run very fast to see. After seeing the name of exploration the happy face started to remove from my face.” Geography Exploration!!!!!!” I said it out loud. Geography is talking about the study of the physical features of the earth. I was so boring when I heard about Geography exploration and I scared it all day. I also wish every day to let me get into another Exploration.
“Monday is up!!!ready for a new Exploration Phearum!!!”. My geography teacher is talking to me as I walked slowly to the geography room. It’s was a lot of map in there and there is a lot of vocabulary about geography. But after my teacher talks for 10 minutes, I was wrong!!!!!. It’s not learning about the new vocabulary of geography. In this exploration, we learned about making a book called “ Cambodia geography book”.In our exploration, we were working on the western region of Cambodia that has six province which is Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Pailin, and Pursat. First of all, we are looking for the five them that have Location in spatial terms, Places and Regions, Physical Systems, Human systems & Movement, Environment and society.