Another interesting topic happens in English Literacy. In this round, we were learning about Social Environmental Justice. Environmental Justice is an idea that every person should involve in a decision about what happened in the environment. In this topic, we got to have a discussion a lot with our friend and teacher to know more about this topic. We also doing research about an injustice living near the wast landfill. We have four cities to research it Which is
- Guwahati, India,
- Payatas, Philippines
- Addis Abeba, Ethiopia,
- and Mombasa, Kenya. I got to research about Payatas, Philippines and it was so hard to see all the people that live near the landfill and all of the wast. At the end of this round, we got to have a philosophical chair discussion about “ the school should stop the practice of giving the letter grades to students. Instead. They should only give the written feedback ” Philosophical chair is similar to debate and Students are given a central topic or question that they must choose to agree or disagree. In this topic, I choose to disagree and we have a full hour to discuss this topic.